This strip cartoon represents the cartoonist‘s anxious idea towards the issue of global warming. Climate change and global warming is getting worse and worse, and related problems are triggered more in recent years.

The cartoon consists of four pictures, there are four icebergs, three icebergs and an iceberg showed in the first
three pictures respectively. They imply the numbers of icebergs are decreasing as well as the numbers of birds.

Moreover, the cartoonist use a monocular way to present her idea in the first three pictures which suggest there must be someone is looking at. In the fourth picture, an iceberg image showed on an
eye of a polar bear which means it is viewing icebergs. What is more, the polar bear is looking sad and a tear is rolling down its check and it said “My home is melting.” Obviously, the polar bear worries about its home will be lost or not. It implies the extinction of the polar bear will happen soon as polar bears cannot exist without ice.

Global warming is not only threatening polar bears, but also others species. The public should be aware of it as we have responsibilities to protect the environment and keep ecosystem balance.

Sources : http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/greenpeace_earth_day/article?mid=67  

4/11/2012 12:14:05 pm

this is sooooo sad! It is a really good choice of editorial comics!

ice mountains,..icebergs?
Global warming not only threaten
The public should aware of it as we have


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    Sam Chau

    Love listening to music
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