I like this poster most among all of the works created in the class as it is really a clear and impressive poster.

The purpose of this poster is promoting a new product of Burger King in Hong Kong, "Premium Kuro Burger", a black burger which consists of two buns blackened with the use of bamboo charcoals, a beef patty, vegetables and special dark ketchup. Besides, there are mainly two elements of the design in the poster. One is the rhyming slogan while another is the illustration.

For the slogan, “Once you get BLACK, you never go BACK” is amazing. Two sentences are separately placed on the top and the bottom in the poster and the slogan is shown clearly. Moreover, it is easy for the targeted customers to remember the slogan as it is rhymed. And the slogan suggests that customers will never try ordinary burgers again after they try the new one.    

For the illustration, there are two burgers placed in the middle of the poster. A big burger and a small burger produce a contrast effect which calls the customers’ attention to the bigger one and the big burger implies it is much more tastier than the smaller one.

On the whole, this advertisement is quite customer- oriented as it is not difficult to get the message from the poster.

Sources :  http://ge2409.weebly.com/have-your-say.html 

4/11/2012 12:16:23 pm

Agree! Well-balanced arguments :) I think it's a bit scary that the black burger is SOOOOO much bigger than the regular one!

Not really thrilled with the two-sentence paragraph.
more tasty


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    Sam Chau

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