
This is a photo collection of free pre-school educational program.Tibet allocated 69 million yuan to urban public kindergartens to start the free preschool educational program which can benefit some 38,000 children who are poor in September 2012. The above photos display how the teacher tells stories, teaches polite gestures and instructs knowledge to children. Apparently, China is more concerning the situation of education in remote regions.

Schooling is important to children and it is vital for the growth of them as not only instructs children knowledge, but also gives them chances to interact with others. It gives children opportunities to build up friendship and learn how to solve the problems by themselves. Undoubtedly, these experiences are valuable for their development of independence.

In order to familiar with the mode of schooling before going to school officially, children should have pre-school learning. The existence of kindergartens and its pre-school education are essential. However, it is hard for poor families to afford the fees of pre-school education for their children in China. And there still are lots of poor families though China is becoming prosperous. Therefore, it is glad to know that Tibet offers free pre-school educational programs. It symbolize one of forwards of China as the government starts to concern more over the citizen’s needs.      

Sources : http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2012-10/29/c_131938058.htm   

4/11/2012 12:18:17 pm

What a great program! Why can't the HKSAR government provide this to all children? We have a coupon system, but it's definitely not enough :(

Tibet starts free pre-school educational program??
some 38,000 children [ ] in September
In order to familiar with schooling


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