It is funny and creative for the cartoonist to represent a flat by using a map which I have never seen this kind of presentation skill before, if the readers just have a glance of it, they may probably misunderstand it as a geographic map by its wording: Republic and United States.

The cartoonist uses the dotted line to divide different area of the flat, for example, the study room, the dining room, the kitchen, etc. Obviously Jessica is on the upstairs studio part and Matt is on the dinner room, as the furniture owned by Jessica is a drafting table, and on the other hand, Matt owns the refrigerator.

Moreover, except using the dotted line to represent different area of the flat, the cartoonist indicates the dialogue between Jessica and Matt by using different color curves. It is found that the yellow color curve belonged to Jessica, and the red one is Matt’s response. We can clearly see that Jessica shouts her question from the upstairs: What time is it, as the yellow color curve connects the spots: drafting table, laptop, desk and chair, which all these furniture should be found in the upstairs studio. While at the same time Matt answers 1:15pm with the red color indicated. Soon, Jessica says “Thanks”.

Also, the wordings of United States and Republic may indicate the relationship of Matt and Jessica is fluctuating, like the relationship of the two countries, as United States and Republic are two very different jurisdictions, which may carry the meaning that they are not in good terms for Matt and Jessica. This also matches the relationship between a couple, they may have argument sometimes when they discover that they have different opinions and living style. 


Matt Madden. 99 Ways to Tell a Story: Exercises in Style. Web.

2/10/2012 03:31:13 pm

*who are [YOU] in the first paragraph?*
You mentioned 'Republics' and 'United States", would you like to elaborate?
the dot line - the dotted line
is belonged to - belonged to?

You gave a good analysis of the time and space elements, why do you think it's 'funny'?


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    A young girl likes travelling and meeting new friends. She wishes to explore this world as much as she could, and she is brave enough to experience everything. All these are seen as a taste of life.