A pair of ingenious hands which seamed with wrinkles was playing the paper magic. A piece of ordinary paper can transform to a beautiful flower. Uncle Man, who is the 'paper tearing' artist, wishes to build up a closer relationship between different people through his proficient 'paper tearing' technique. He first gives his blessing by tearing big luck in chinese characters on the red banners to his relatives. Then, he performes his unique art in public space and gives his works to the tourists as presents. Moreover, he runs the workshop for teaching 'paper tearing' art at different community centres. Uncle Man is valuable to society nowadays which has insufficient human connection. People may not intend to say hello even the subjects are their neighbors. The relationships between Hong Kong people are seperated as they may wish to stay with the familiar group of people. So, Uncle Man is working like bridges to connect different groups of people but having same interests together.


9/10/2012 12:33:27 pm

The title truly attracts me! "Paper magic". The small piece of paper is not only a bridge to art, but to human relationship.

You said that "...people is seperated as they may wish to stay with the familiar group of people". I agree. I think that we should be more initiative when meeting new people.

9/10/2012 03:22:23 pm

can transformed
his bless
Hong Kong people is seperated

This is so cool, he doesn't use any tools? Just his hands? If yes, that's really amazing!


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