The cartoonist use the map to represent different parts of the house skillfully. On the map, we can probably divide into two parts, Republic of Matt on one side and United States of Jessica on the other side. There is a boundary separating two areas. Both Matt and Jessica can own their own space. However, in this house, the power of Matt is obviously stronger than that of Jessica as the space owned by Matt is much bigger than Jessica. In the area of Republic of Matt, the settings are enough for satisfying his needs of daily life. For example, kitchen, dinning room and refrigerator are all in the side of Matt. On the other hand, the only way for Jessica to communicate with Matt is through the route connected to the drafting table. Moreover, the only window is on the side of Matt which implies that Matt has more chances to contact with the outside world than Jessica.

Matt Madden. 99 Ways to Tell a Story: Exercises in Style. Web.

2/10/2012 03:27:51 pm

The cartoonist use the map
we can probably divide into two parts
separating two of
They can own their own space - who are 'they'?
through the route connected [to] the drafting table

You are a really good map reader! This analysis shows a good understanding of the power balance between Matt and Jessica! The map is truly a representation of their relationship than other comic strips!


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