           A black buns trend is raising in Hong Kong. One of the fast food chain restaurants, Burger King, promote their new product-- "Premium Kuro Burger". Not only the bun is black in colour with bamboo charcoal added, ketchup is also changed from red to black colour.

           There is the poster designed for the promotion of the new black buns burger.Two burgers are placed at middle of the poster which grabs the consumers' attention the most. It highlights the "Premium Kuro Burger" through the contrast of size. The targeted black buns burger is much bigger than the original one. People will put their focuses on the big black bun instead of the smaller original burger.

           In addition, the rhyming slogan 'Once you get BLACK, you never go BACK' reinforces the target product. It tells the consumers that you will never choose the original burger again if you have tried the black "Premium Kuro Burger". This emphasizes the specialities of the black buns burger through comparison.

           Although the poster just simply promote the black buns through comparison and rhyming slogan, people can receive the message clearly.


23/10/2012 11:11:12 am

This is a fabulous poster, especially given the short time of preparation! I also like that the Kuro burger is MUCH bigger than the regular burger!

One of the fast food chain restaurant
placed at the middle of the poster
Although the poster just simply promoting


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    Joyce Kwong

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